On Sep 30, 10:15 am, Denis Vilyuzhanin <dandsoft....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I compiled Hello Sample from GWT SDK and tried to run it in Chrome.
> But it doesn't work. Only empty page. In IE and Firefox it works fine.
> After some debugging I found that cause of this.
> In  last rows of any *.cache.html (not hello.nocache.js) gwt compiler
> append following code
>       if ($wnd.hello) $wnd.hello.onScriptLoad();
> but $wnd.hello is undefined. So onScriptLoad() function isn't invoked.
> In firefox and IE $wnd.hello equals to hello() function from
> hello.nocache.js which boots GWT module. hello() function store in
> itself code which complete module initialization after all js and
> resources loaded. So if onScriptLoad isn't invoked  the initialization
> never done.
> Does anybody have this issues with their chrome?

If you're loading the app from your disk, you're actually running into
a SOP violation. Chrome (and IIRC it'll also be the case for Firefox
4) treat each file as coming from a different origin. It'll work if
you either load the app from a HTTP server, or compile using the
"cross-site" linker (<add-linker name="xs" />)

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