I recently tried switching over from Image Bundle to client bundle,
and am not sure if the behavior I'm seeing is intentional or not, so
some confirmation would be nice;

a) Is ClientBundle significantly slower then ImageBundle? Specifically
at changing images (applyto). Whereas before I was getting a decent
frame-rate of animated icons. (done simply by switching between
Abstract-images), now its very slow/flickery and seems to load a fresh
image each time (based on Chrome's resources tab)

b) I don't see an image strip anymore...just massive url(data:)
statements which I assume inline the png data. Is this how the new
system works? Does this explain the slowness of changing one image to
another now? (ie, whereas before it was just shunting co-ordinates,
now its reprocessing stuff)

c) I am now seeing large numbers of jpegs generated on compile. I
still see a few pngs too...which seem to be the normal image strips.
But I also see just each icon as a plan jpeg. I could see this in use
as a backup, but I'm puzzled by the image strips present seeing as the
html doesn't seem to use it :?
Now I'm trying to see how "expected" this behavior is.
Some of it could be caused with how I'm using ClientBundle. As I'm
making extensive use of the ApplyTo functionality, almost all my
images are used as AbstractImagePrototypes.

For example;

final static AbstractImagePrototype  BigOpenClueBox =
final static AbstractImagePrototype  MediumOpenClueBox =
final static AbstractImagePrototype  SmallOpenClueBox =
(a lot more)

JargStaticImages is simply an empty extension of another class;

public interface JargImages extends CuypersImages {


(this is purely to make it easier for me to switch between image sets

And my CuypersImage class has statements like;
ublic interface CuypersImages extends ClientBundle {

 ImageResource BIGTitleStripleftOpen();

Lastly, if somehow my problems are down to using
AbstractImagePrototype so much with the new ClientBundle system, is
there a alternative method/equivalent of
applyTo ?
That is specifically something that can swap one image with another.
(both already in the memory, no reloading ver url, and preferably
something as fast as changeing an image strip is)

Thank you,


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