On Oct 6, 2:05 pm, Noor <baken...@gmail.com> wrote:
> U know, well to start with my dissertation, I have quite a lot
> concerning GWT, well not that as u as u people are in industry and
> have on hand experience with GWT
> According to me, GWT is best suited for distributed application for
> company network but not for the Internet, Don't u think so?? I may be
> wrong, this is just a though that came to my mind

I think you're wrong. What GWT is best-suited for are single-page,
full-AJAX, web applications (things like the Google Apps, even if none
of them –except AdWords and the dying Wave– is made with GWT –well,
you know what? Buzz uses GWT actually, but it's really a very small
part of it–).
Now that Twitter (#NewTwitter) is entirely made in JS, you could have
made it in GWT just as well.
Even though it could do it very well, GWT is not really suited for web
sites, and/or progressive enhancement of web sites (where things like
jQuery excel)

That being said, we use GWT for intranet and extranet "enterprise-
class" apps:
 - dematerialization of human resource files and processes (UBIC:
 - management of "budget objectives" for public agencies (in the
health area, planning hospital budgets, etc.)
 - cemetery management (SaaS)
 - heritage inventory (http://translate.google.com/translate?
%25C3%25A9ral_du_patrimoine_culturel ), GWT is only used in the
backend app (extranet/intranet) where files are constituted; the
public-facing web site probably won't use GWT though.

We also make similar kind of applications using other technologies
though: Silverlight, ExtJS, YUI, ASP.NET (yeah, not really an "RIA")

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