It makes sense. But why not traditional Model/View design when Model
fires events and any subscriber (not necessary View) updates itself?

On Oct 7, 11:18 am, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> On Oct 7, 6:02 pm, ailinykh <> wrote:
> > Hello, everybody!
> > I just looked into latest show case. CellList/Celltable work with
> > ListDataProvider which is a class keeping all data.
> > But it is aware about user interface -
> > dataProvider.addDataDisplay(display);
> > What a reason for that strange design?
> So that any modification made to the structure of the list (add /
> remove / set) is reported in real-time to any "data display" attached
> with the data provider.
> You could very well use CellList/CellTable without a ListDataProvider,
> and call setRowCount and setRowData on each of them "manually". The
> goal of ListDataProvider is to save you these calls: you wrap a list
> of objects in a ListDataProvider, you "register" your HasData(s) with
> it and you work with the wrapped ListDataProvider#getList, so that any
> add(), remove() or set() is instantly reflected in the HasData widgets
> (i.e. it automatically calls setRowCount and setRowData for you;
> including in response to a RangeChangeEvent fired by any of the
> registered "data display").

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