
I tried integrating SmartGWT and GWT without success.

A few months ago when I was checking it out, I found one small line on
the SmartGWT site that says that it is incompatible with GWT widgets -
you cannot use GWT widgets if you want to use SmartGWT.

Try one of the other GWT frameworks which are a true extension of GWT
rather than a replacement, e.g. ExtGWT / Sencha

There should be plenty of others, but they escape me right now.



On Oct 13, 1:16 am, alexoffspring <alessales...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i have a problem with a simple GWT project. It is made of two .java
> files.
> The first just add two same composites ("MainForm") to the Root
> Panel.
> public class ImageViewer implements EntryPoint {
>         public void onModuleLoad() {
>                 RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
>                 MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();
>                 rootPanel.add(mainForm, 0, 0);
>                 mainForm.setSize("546px", "223px");
>                 MainForm mainForm_1 = new MainForm();
>                 rootPanel.add(mainForm_1, 0, 245);
>                 mainForm_1.setSize("546px", "223px");
>         }
> }
> And the second file describes the "Main Form":
> import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Window;
> public class MainForm extends Composite {
>         public MainForm() {
>                 Window window = new Window();
>                 window.setSize("288px", "206px");
>                 window.setCanDragResize(true);
>                 window.setShowFooter(true);
>         window.setShowHeader(true);
>                 initWidget(window);
>         }}
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The result is that the first 'Window' is shown correctly onto the web
> page,
> but the second (which is completely the same) is not. The title, the '
> _ ' and the ' x ', are onto the left, and the border of the window is
> down-right !?!
> Is it because smartGWT is not 100% compatible with GWT?
> Thanks in advance for your consideration

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