On 23 oct, 08:40, giannisdag <pascoua...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I am new to testing programming, and cannot solve a probably easy
> problem. I have written the following test code:
> public class RegisterPresenterTest {
>         private DispatchAsync mockDispatch;
>         private HandlerManager mockEventBus;
>         private RegisterView<String> mockView;
>         private RegisterPresenter registerPresenter;
>         private User user = null;
>         @Before
>         public void setUp() throws Exception {
>             mockDispatch = createStrictMock(DispatchAsync.class);
>             mockEventBus = new HandlerManager(null);
>             mockView = createStrictMock(RegisterView.class);
>         }
>         @After
>         public void tearDown() throws Exception {
>         }
>         @Test
>         public void testOnSubmitButtonClickedNewUserSave() {
>                 registerPresenter = new RegisterPresenter(mockView, 
> mockEventBus,
> mockDispatch, user);
> expect((String)mockView.getName().getValue()).andReturn("nikos");
>                 expect(mockView.getSurname().getValue()).andReturn("tester");
> expect(mockView.getEmail().getValue()).andReturn("t...@gmail.com");
> expect(mockView.getMobile().getValue()).andReturn("1699876778");
>                 mockDispatch.execute(isA(Action.class), 
> isA(AsyncCallback.class));
>                 expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() {
>                         @Override
>                         public Object answer() throws Throwable {
>                                  final Object[] arguments = 
> getCurrentArguments();
>                                 AsyncCallback<CreateUserResult> callback =
>                                         (AsyncCallback<CreateUserResult>)
> arguments[arguments.length - 1];
>                                 callback.onSuccess(new CreateUserResult());
>                                 return null;
>                         }
>                 });
>                 replay(mockView);
>                 replay(mockDispatch);
>                 registerPresenter.onSubmitButtonClicked();
>                 verify(mockView);
>                 verify(mockDispatch);
>         }
> }
> The logic is that when a new user pushes the submit button, the
> presenter will begin the save process. In this process in presenter,
> the user gets the field values from the view. But when I mock the
> view, and add the needed behavior, I get an error like the following.
> When I run it, I am getting null pointer exception at
> expect((String)mockView.getName().getValue()).andReturn("nikos");
> So what I am doing wrong?

You have to mock your HasValue returned from getName():

HasValue<?> mockName = createStrictMock(HasValue.class);

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