
I'm looking at the new data presentation widgets in GWT 2.1 and I
mostly like what I see :)

I have one problem with the "workflow" updating/paging a cell table though.

I'm using a (heavily) customized version of AbstractProxyListActivity
from the Expenses example and I just don't understand why
HasDataPresenter is clearing the table content while loading the
next/previous page.

Instead of the current rows, a loading indicator is displayed (with
different a height resulting in a collapsing/expanding table). I
already filed a bug (5487) to make this customizable (at least via

For the moment, I deactivated this loading indicator (I show a
application-wide indicator in my app and don't want to show inline
indicators). This deactivation makes the "flashing" even more obvious.

I want my "old" rows to be there until they are replaced by the "new"
ones, maybe overlayed by some "glass" and a loading indicator -- but
not replaced! That way the table doesn't collapse and no "flashing" is
visible in the ui.

What's the reason for HasDataPresenter to clear the row data in
setVisibleRange? I try very hard to not show flashing and resizing
elements my apps' UIs but set up everything correctly *before* adding
it to the display list.


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