
     Thanks, Didier. The Code Splitting is perfect way to make the
module lazy load.

     However it still need to write the code inside the main module.
     What I want is I make the main module. And don't know who will
make the plugin module<Maybe the plugin class is Apple or Orange>.
When I compile the Main Module, I haven't Apple or Orange class code
link into the main module. What I know is the plugin is implement the
Fruit interface. and the main Module will know the Apple plugin when
the other user put the Apple plugin into the plugin folder. and the
Apple Plugin self description file tell the main module  can use
Apple.class to initialize.

     Could the gwt load another module which haven't link to the
running module a compile time?

Ken deng

On Oct 28, 11:35 am, Didier DURAND <durand.did...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Code splitting should help you toward your target
> Seehttp://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCodeSplitting.html
> didier
> On Oct 27, 5:14 pm, kendeng9898 <dolephi9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I want to build up an application with a pluggable function. This
> > application is base on gwt 2.0.3 and jboss seam 2.1.2.
> > This is what I want the application load the plug.
> > - Serverside have a monitor checking a plugins-upload folder
> > - When It find a validate plugin in plugins-upload folder
> > - Generate a plug-in javascript
> > - When reload the client side app, it will check the plug_in.js
> > - Load the plug_in.js's plug-in list into a plug-in manager page
> > - in plug-in manager switch on the plug-in
> > - load the plug-in(a gwt module), get ready to listen the event
> > a plug-in is another gwt module
> > But it seems gwt cannot load any unknown module on the runtime.
> >  Any body have this experience or any idea how to implement it?

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