Hi all,

I can't get Maven to work. When I make a new Maven project from
eclipse of from the command line it gives me:

11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Collecting project info '/pom.xml' /Users/
11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Generating sources /tralala/pom.xml
11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Adding source folder /tralala/src/main/java
11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Adding resource folder /tralala/src/main/
11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Adding source folder /tralala/src/test/java
11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Adding resource folder /tralala/src/test/
11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Project import completed 0 sec
11/10/10 11:08:42 AM CET: Refreshing [/tralala/pom.xml]
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: Maven Builder: FULL_BUILD requireFullBuild
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR] Error: Could not find the resource
'com/alexnederlof/tralala/Messages.properties matching
'com.alexnederlof.tralala.Messages' did you remember to add it to your
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR] Google Web Toolkit 2.1.0
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR] I18NSync [-out fileName] [-
createConstantsWithLookup] [-createMessages] name of the Constants/
Messages interface to create
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR]
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR] where
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR]   -
out                                                Java source
directory, defaults to the resource's class path.
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR]   -
createConstantsWithLookup                          Create scripts for
a ConstantsWithLookup interface rather than a Constants one
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR]   -
createMessages                                     Create scripts for
a Messages interface rather than a Constants one
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR] and
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: [ERROR]   name of the Constants/Messages
interface to create  Identifies the Constants/Messages class to be
created.  For example com.google.sample.i18n.client.Colors
11/10/10 11:08:44 AM CET: Build errors for tralala;
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to
execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin:2.1.0:i18n (default)
on project tralala: Command [[
/bin/sh -c /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/
Home/bin/java -Xmx512m -classpath /Users/alex/Development/webapps/
gwt/gwt-dev/2.1.0/gwt-dev-2.1.0.jar com.google.gwt.i18n.tools.I18NSync
-out /Users/alex/Development/webapps/tralala/target/generated-sources/
gwt -createMessages com.alexnederlof.tralala.Messages
]] failed with status 1

Does anyone have any id? I tried everything I know

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