I think an EventBus would work fine here. Check out this tutorial
(Events and the EventBus). A View (Presenter) can fire an event to the
EventBus and trigger events on a different View.

On Nov 11, 3:57 am, zixzigma <zixzi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Problem: a View and its Presenter want to communicate with another
> View/Presenter.
> Special Case: one view is nested in another.
> background:
> to implement MVP for "one view and it's presenter"
>  we would need a View Interface, a View Implementation which is
> associated with a UiBinder, also a Presenter. Presenter uses View
> Interface's inner Interface, to communicate with ViewImplementation.
> (FooVIew, FooViewImpl, FooPresenter, ... )
> this i understand.
> now lets say we have another View/Presenter (BarView, BarViewImpl,
> BarPresenter)
> how can these two sets: Foo and Bar, communicate ?
> i think its best for them to communicate through interfaces,
> but i dont know who should be in control.
> and in scenarios that these two sets (Foo and Bar) are having "has a"
> relationship, should the interfaces talk ?
> #1
> FooViewImpl {
> private BarView barView;
> }
> #2 FooViewImpl{
> private BarPresenter barPresenter;
> }
> is it better if Views are Nested, or one presenter inside the other
> viewimpl (basically #1 or #2)
> if you have any experience with these situation, please help !

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