
I've defined the following instance method in a class extending
JavaScriptObject :

public final void Vip_write() {

I'd like to access this java method from JSNI.
For example in function like :

public final static native void called(Vip v) /*-{

But this is rejected but the compiler, complaining about "Illegal
reference to instance method 'Vip_write' in type 'com.test.Vip', which
is an overlay type; only static references to overlay types are
allowed from JSNI".

Behind the scene, I've seen that Vip_write is translated to the
following javascript :

function $Vip_write(this$static){

So I'd like to see something in my called(Vip v) javascript
translation like :


Of course I could manually insert this exact call in the JSNI code,
but this would then fail as soon as I compile obfuscated.

Another solution would be to define an extra static method

public final static void Vip_write_static(Vip v) {

and then call this static method from JSNI. This works but this
translates to

function $Vip_write_static(v) {

which is right, but not really very optimized !

Any idea ?



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