Thank You.
You are correct, the results wont be necessarily the same, only

FlowPanel/SimplePanel end up as "div" elements.
the same is true with DockLayoutPanel, at the end they translate to
"div" elements.
so it is possible to apply CSS styles to achieve "Similar" results.

To put this in perspective, here is what i am trying to achieve:


                .left { float: left;}
                .right {float: right;}

                <g:Label ui:field="title" />
                <g:SimplePanel ui:field="toolbarPanel" />
                <g:Label ui:field="warningMessage" />
                        <g:FlowPanel styleName="{style.left}">
                                <g:SimplePanel ui:field="leftPanel" />
                        <g:FlowPanel styleName="{style.right}">
                                <g:SimplePanel ui:field="rightPanel" /
                        <g:SimplePanel ui:field="centerPanel" />

This could have been a DockLayoutPanel, however I am using a top
level DockLayoutPanel already for my overall application layout,
and this View i am talking about here with all the left/right/top
panels, are actually in the <g:center> slot of application main

i tried <g:DockPanel>, but i think its either deprecated,  since it
result in "table/tr/td" elements, and is not considered a good

 i am not sure if this is the best way to do it ?

what i'm trying to achieve is to programmatically (through Presenters)
"views" in the g:center part of application DockLayoutPanel. and those
Views that are inserted have their own top/left/right panels.

Thank You

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