This issue has been resolved by running the (maven) build from the
Apparently the file containing the version nr was not updated when
running the build from Eclipse.

Hendrik Jan

On Nov 17, 7:16 am, Hendrik Jan van Randen <>
> We're migrating our GWT 2.0.4 application to GWT 2.1.0.
> I've therefore upgraded my Google Plugin for Eclipse to GWT 2.1.0.
> When I try to run our application in the GWT debugger in Eclipse
> (Debug as web application, go to its URL in Firefox) I get the
> following message:
> Connection received from localhost:47526
>    [ERROR] Invalid version number "2.0" passed to
> external.gwtOnLoad(), expected "2.1"; your hosted mode bootstrap file
> may be out of date; if you are using -noserver try recompiling and
> redeploying your app
> Recompiling doesn't resolve the problem.
> Also changing the version from 2.0 to 2.1 in the line
> var $hostedHtmlVersion="2.1";
> in the files hosted.html in the war directory doesn't resolve the
> problem.
> I cannot find any explicit instructions to migrate from GWT 2.0 to
> 2.1.
> My environment:
> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
> Firefox 3.6.12 with Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin for Firefox
> 1.0.7511
> Eclipse Helios with Google Plugin for Eclipse with GWT version 2.1.0.
> Any suggestions how I can resolve this problem?

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