i don't use gwt-ext
i use gwt
how can refresh selected Row ??

On Nov 21, 1:35 am, Blagoja Chavkoski <baze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This question is for ext gwt forum, but i had implemented some code close to
> this one, and I had the same problem!!
> Its interesting that I notised the problem is on adding the html css style
> for the selected row..its just not showing,
> the related model row is correct and all related listeners are fired...but
> the view row style is never set or set and cleared...
> I investigated in the GridView class but till that point all was ok and
> fired prop ..it looks like something is going on after that..
> the relation between gwt(resp for the css styles adding in widget, and the
> component class extension from ext) but no
> time to spent more and just continue without it..:)
> regards and hope u gonna solve it,
> if u do..u can notify here also...
> B
> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 12:07 AM, John LaBanca <jlaba...@google.com> wrote:
> > It sounds like you are using gwt-ext.  Have you tried posting your question
> > on their forum?
> > Thanks,
> > John LaBanca
> > jlaba...@google.com
> > On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Ahmed Shoeib <
> > ahmedelsayed.sho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> i also need to know how to refresh a row with specific Object
> >> On Nov 19, 10:35 am, Tomeo <tke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > Hi folks,
> >> > I have a below a simple scenario:
> >> > 1. I have a grid populated with data
> >> > 2. I select any 1 row from grid - data with a specific "Object
> >> > Id" [internal id]
> >> > 3. I press a refresh button from a paginationToolbar
> >> > 4. data are refreshed
> >> > 5. no row from grid is being selected.
> >> > Question 1:
> >> > How can I change a step 5, so after refresh a row with specific Object
> >> > Id (from step 2) would be automaticaly selected?
> >> > I tried to implement a LoadListener to loader, but it seems like I'm
> >> > incorrectly selecting a row from my grid.
> >> > Here is a bit of my code:
> >> > 1. A global variable of type "Zakazka" to store a Zakazka before
> >> > refresh occures (the one which should be selected after refresh):
> >> > Code:
> >> > private Zakazka selectedZakazka;
> >> > 2. Here is my grid definition with loader's load listener
> >> > Code:
> >> >       RpcProxy<PagingLoadResult<Zakazka>> proxy = new
> >> > RpcProxy<PagingLoadResult<Zakazka>>() {
> >> >         @Override
> >> >         public void load(Object loadConfig,
> >> > AsyncCallback<PagingLoadResult<Zakazka>> callback) {
> >> >             Tracing.Log("ZakazkyAktivne.RpcProxy.load.before");
> >> >             service.getZakazky((PagingLoadConfig) loadConfig,
> >> > callback);
> >> >             Tracing.Log("ZakazkyAktivne.RpcProxy.load.after");
> >> >         }
> >> >       };
> >> >       // loader
> >> >       final PagingLoader<PagingLoadResult<ModelData>> loader = new
> >> > BasePagingLoader<PagingLoadResult<ModelData>>(proxy);
> >> >       loader.setRemoteSort(true);
> >> >       ListStore<Zakazka> store = new ListStore<Zakazka>(loader);
> >> >       pagingToolBar = new PagingToolBar(50);
> >> >       pagingToolBar.bind(loader);
> >> >       List<ColumnConfig> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("object_id", "Object Id", 80));
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("cislo_dokladu", "Èíslo dokladu",
> >> > 100));
> >> >       ColumnConfig created = new ColumnConfig("created", "Dátum
> >> > vytvorenia", 105);
> >> >       created.setDateTimeFormat(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy
> >> > HH:mm:ss"));
> >> >       columns.add(created);
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("objednavatel", "Objednavatel",
> >> > 120));
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("stredisko", "Stredisko", 150));
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("stav_zakazky_id", "Id stavu
> >> > zakazky", 60));
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("stav_zakazky_kod", "Kód stavu
> >> > zakazky", 100));
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("stav_zakazky", "Stav zakazky",
> >> > 100));
> >> >       columns.add(new ColumnConfig("stav_zakazky_zmenil_uziv_meno",
> >> > "Zakazku zmìnil", 100));
> >> >       ColumnConfig updated = new ColumnConfig("stav_zakazky_zmena",
> >> > "Dátum zmìny", 105);
> >> >       updated.setDateTimeFormat(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy
> >> > HH:mm:ss"));
> >> >       columns.add(updated);
> >> >       ColumnModel cm = new ColumnModel(columns);
> >> >       gridZakazka = new Grid<Zakazka>(store, cm);
> >> >       gridZakazka.setStateId("pagingGridExample");
> >> >       gridZakazka.setStateful(true);
> >> >       gridZakazka.addListener(Events.Attach, new
> >> > Listener<GridEvent<Zakazka>>() {
> >> >         public void handleEvent(GridEvent<Zakazka> be) {
> >> >           PagingLoadConfig config = new BasePagingLoadConfig();
> >> >           config.setOffset(0);
> >> >           config.setLimit(50);
> >> >           Map<String, Object> state = gridZakazka.getState();
> >> >           if (state.containsKey("offset")) {
> >> >             int offset = (Integer)state.get("offset");
> >> >             int limit = (Integer)state.get("limit");
> >> >             config.setOffset(offset);
> >> >             config.setLimit(limit);
> >> >           }
> >> >           if (state.containsKey("sortField")) {
> >> >             config.setSortField((String)state.get("sortField"));
> >> > config.setSortDir(SortDir.valueOf((String)state.get("sortDir")));
> >> >           }
> >> >           loader.load(config);
> >> >         }
> >> >       });
> >> > gridZakazka.getSelectionModel().addListener(Events.SelectionChange,
> >> >             new Listener<SelectionChangedEvent<Zakazka>>() {
> >> >                public void handleEvent(SelectionChangedEvent<Zakazka>
> >> > be) {
> >> >                    if (be.getSelection().size() > 0) {
> >> >                        Tracing.Log("Grid selection changed");
> >> >                        formBindings.bind((ModelData)
> >> > be.getSelection().get(0));
> >> > setZakazkaDetailToolBar(be.getSelectedItem().getZakazkaObjectId(),
> >> > be.getSelectedItem().getZakazkaStavZakazkyId());
> >> >                        //
> >> > getLogZakazkaGrid(be.getSelectedItem().getZakazkaObjectId());
> >> >                        //pagingToolBarLog.refresh();
> >> >                    } else {
> >> >                        Tracing.Log("Nothing selected");
> >> >                        formBindings.unbind();
> >> >                        zakazkaDetailToolBar.removeAll();
> >> >                    }
> >> >                 }
> >> >        });
> >> >       loader.addLoadListener(new LoadListener() {
> >> >                   @Override
> >> >                   public void loaderLoad(LoadEvent le)
> >> >                   {
> >> >                       // Run your selection logic here
> >> >                       Tracing.Log("loaderLoad invoked!");
> >> > gridZakazka.getSelectionModel().select(selectedZakazka, false);
> >> >                       Tracing.Log("selectedZakazka selected");
> >> >                   }
> >> >               });
> >> >       gridZakazka.setLoadMask(true);
> >> >       gridZakazka.setBorders(true);
> >> > 3. Selected zakazka is remembered before refresh using a below code:
> >> > Code:
> >> >   public void changeZakazkaStatus(Integer zakazkaId,
> >> >                                     Integer novyStatusId) {
> >> >     final DatabaseServiceAsync service = (DatabaseServiceAsync)
> >> > Registry.get(Agdoprava.SERVICE);
> >> >     AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback = new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() {
> >> >        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
> >> >            System.out.println(caught.getMessage());
> >> >        }
> >> >         public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
> >> >             if (result) {
> >> >                Tracing.Log("Zakazka STATUS updated successfully!");
> >> >                selectedZakazka =
> >> > gridZakazka.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
> >> >                Tracing.Log("Selected zakazka Object ID:" +
> >> > selectedZakazka.getZakazkaObjectId());
> >> >                // refresh main grid
> >> >                pagingToolBar.refresh();
> >> >                Tracing.Log("Refresh OK");
> >> >             }
> >> >             else {
> >> >                Tracing.Log("Zakazka STATUS update failed!");
> >> >             }
> >> >         }
> >> >     };
> >> >     // execute RPC
> >> >     service.updateZakazkaStatus(zakazkaId, novyStatusId,
> >> > StaticDataController.LoggedUzivatelId, callback);
> >> >     }
> >> > 4. Tracing log
> >> > Code:
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:13.739|    Zakazka STATUS updated successfully!
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:13.739|    Selected zakazka Object ID:123
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:14.066|    ZakazkyAktivne.RpcProxy.load.before
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:14.082|    ZakazkyAktivne.RpcProxy.load.after
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:14.082|    Refresh OK
> >> > ZakazkaManager.getZakazky()
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:14.436|    Nothing selected
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:14.877|    loaderLoad invoked!
> >> > 2010-11-19 09:06:14.877|    selectedZakazka selected
> >> > From my tracing log I can see, that selectedZakazka is set correctly
> >> > and prior refresh and also that loader.LoadListener is invoked after
> >> > refresh. Just a row in grid stays unselected. So, I assume a piece of
> >> > code in loader's LoadListener  [in step 2 above] is incorrect, or
> >> > uncomplete.
> >> > Could you please suggest how to correct it, so selectedZakazka will be
> >> > also selected after refresh?
> >> > Many thanks,
> >> > Tomas
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