On 23 nov, 15:45, Raphael André Bauer <raphael.andre.ba...@gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I am currently checking out possibilites to use animations  together
> with ActivityManagers of GWT 2.1.
> (using something like -webkit-transition-property:
> -webkit-transform;      -webkit-transition-duration: 0.35s; etc).
> When the user navigates from one place to another I simply want to
> fade in / fade out stuff...
> My idea was to extend an ActivityManager and create an AnimatedActivityMapper.
> Then I could (theoretically) overwrite
>         @Override
>           private void showWidget(IsWidget view) {
>                     if (display != null) {
>                       display.setWidget(view);
>                     }
>                   }
> and add stuff to add classes responsible for the animation.
> Would this be roughly a good way to do it, or are there side effects I
> am not aware of. Is there any best practise for that?

Why not doing this in the AcceptsOneWidget you give to the
Have a look at the Expenses sample, which animates using a

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