you might think about moving the GWT client code (which contains
client and shared packages) into custom project to not mixup
classpaths during compile and runtime, after all GWT produces piece of
JS which is actually the one your project needs. so you dont need to
recompile everytime, rather update the produced "binaries" everytime
at GWT compilation cycle.

On 23 Nov., 10:58, Sophia Shek <> wrote:
> More details:
>  I am using eclipse(Galileo)+tomcat plugin+gwt plugin, The java build
> libraries’ order: JRE System libary
> GWT SDK - GWT2.1.0
> Apache Tomcat
> Web App Libraries
> The project uses Spring MVC+ lots of JSP, only one part of the system using
> GWT. That is for menu items.
> At the moment, every single time I check out a project, I have to compile
> the GWT menu module which is kind of annoying.
> The problem is when I compile the GWT module, some source file got red lined
> of using apache.common. digester. It compiled OK without GWT. It is confused
> with the apache.common. digester and GWT digest Is this a known issue? I am
> new to GWT, help please?
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 5:06 PM, 7of9 <> wrote:
> > When compile GWT,I receive the following error:
> > [ERROR] Unexpected
> > java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:
> > reportUnusedDeclaredThrownExceptionIncludeDocCommentReference
> > I googled around and found the solution
> > - Right-click the project > Properties
> > - Java Build Path > Order and Export
> > - Move the GWT SDK above the Server Library (like Apache Tomcat or
> > SpringSource tc Server)
> > This did solve the compile error. However the method used
> > org.apache.commons.digester.Digester module are redlined. It tried to
> > find the digest RuleSetBase interface in gwt-dev.jar.
> > Has anyone came cross similar problem before? Help please!!!

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