I'm updating my little gwt-traction library and noticed that it's
giving compile warnings when I compile with the 2.1 jar downloaded
from http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/download.html

I often build from source and looking at the 2.1 branch, it doesn't
look deprecated:


I made the jump from cvs to mercurial and haven't used svn
extensively, so maybe there's something about svn that I'm missing,
but I assumed that this would be the code for the 2.1 release.

Question 1: What svn branch should I build to create the equivalent of
the released jars?

I understand that HandlerManager is being replaced with SimpleEventBus
but there was some discussion in September that it's still OK within
Widgets. See here 

Question 2: Should I just suppress warnings or actually change the
HandlerManager in the Viewport code below?



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