On 30 November 2010 14:45, Gambo <mark.vanv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using GWT now for half a year now and the project is growing and
> growing. Now I am looking for some good tools which help me with
> deploying my application automaticly in a tomcat test server and later
> on the production server. For now I am doing this with the build
> artifacts function of IntelliJ which is good but not what i am looking
> for.

Indeed, building in your IDE isn't really portable and it certainly
doesn't get you reproducible builds. It's only appropriate for
individual developers.

> I already found tools like maven and Hudson CI which could help me
> with that.

Yes, this combination should be able to do everything you're looking for.

> What I am still missing is a automatic way of generating war files
> which are deployed on the test server(with different properties like
> db connection and user) and after the commitment from the test team it
> will deployed on the production server automaticly. Is there something
> or can this handled by maven as well? Furhter i am looking for an
> automatic way of running our sql files when they changed on the db
> server before deploying the gwt application.

Obviously, Maven can generate your WARs. You'll need to use Maven
profiles to generate different WARs for production and test.
(Actually, you should try *very* hard to take all such properties out
and put them in a separate [i.e. outside of the WAR] file or
something. You really don't want to have to build different artifacts
for different environments.) Also, have a look at the plugins below.


> I am not very familiar with these kind of tools so I thought it would
> be a good idea to ask you guys as this should be a challenge for some
> of you.

I've done most of what you're trying to do. I generate test data with
the sql-maven-plugin and run my integration (Selenium) tests using the
cargo plugin. I would not say it's easy and completely straightforward
but it's definitely possible. Don't underestimate the amount of work
involved but it's absolutely worth it.


P.S. Be prepared for some political battles when/if you're introducing
automation. Some people feel threatened by such a change. You may have
to do some preparatory work to come up with cost savings and point out
the (obvious) efficiency improvements. Talk to all affected parties
early on and get their input. Build support early on. Don't treat it
as a technical issue, it's a people issue.

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