We are trying to use gwt-maven-plugin to generate our mavenized gwt
project. Our versions are:

eclipse helios
gwt 2.1
gwt-maven-plugin 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT

We generate our initial project with the command line:

mvn archetype:generate \
snapshots-group/  \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin \

We then import the project into eclipse using "import / as existing

Here are the problems we then encountered:

(1) Eclipse compile errors complaining of unknown classes. These are
classes the plugin generates and places in target/generated-sources/
gwt. The classes are Messages.java and GreetingServiceAsync.java. We
work around this problem by adding  target/generated-sources/gwt to
our eclipse project classpath.

(2) The class GwtTesttest.java has eclipse compile errors. We don't
care much about this so for the moment we are just deleting that

(3) This is the problem we can't find a workaround for. If we add
dependencies to our pom, say spring framework, they then get added
automatically to the "Libraries/Maven Dependencies". The problem comes
when we invoke "Run As... / Web Application". Jetty fails to find
classes in our newly added maven dependency, e.g Spring.

Is there anyone out there that can shed some light on this? Thanks

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