My experience with SmartGWT was bad and while I'm not saying SmartGWT
is "complete rubbish", obviously, I think it is right thing to do to
share your experience when asked.
I said couple of times my experience is 1 year old. Also there are
many people who share this view of SmartGWT.

I had to do some compromises with SmartGWT, some of them having origin
in SmartGWT being a new platform for me (i.e. lack of knowledge), but
there were some clearly caused by SmartGWT being buggy.

You accused me of giving baseless opinions. That is just low.

One issue that stuck in my mind was the last one: a new and valid
record not appearing in a TreeGrid, in ListGrid everything worked as
charm. Later, in one night build, it has been fixed. That was too late
for me though.

My apologize to all readers, this is my first and last response to
Sanjiv here.

On Dec 3, 4:54 pm, Sanjiv Jivan <> wrote:
> Jaroslav,
> If you're happy with GWT that’s great but please do not make such vague and
> baseless claims about Smart GWT.

The fact that you don't like critics does not make it baseless. (Same
as when you FIX a bug after a report it probably wasn't INVALID.)

> 3 of the 7 issues that you filed were invalid

This is what you call an invalid bug:
In a nutshell: One particular column type (Integer) at one particular
position (the first column) causes an error. Because "you're not
supposed to have numbers in the first column"...?
Something is wrong when you get asked "why do you need number in the
first column?"

Another one, this one you fixed later but marked it as invalid

> <>And
> when you were advised how to implement a warning dialog before record
> deletion on this issue that you filed  
> (, you responded by 
> "you
> are sad". Nice way to show your appreciation when using a free product.

Your 'WontFix' for a _month_ old report came literally _minutes_ after
you accused me of "abusing issue tracker" in another forum. It is
obvious that my response was related to your personal approach, rather
than your so-called advice. (I had my own workaround by the time I
made the report.)
"Abusing issue tracker" in this case actually meant "reporting an
issue without discussing it in the forums", which was not suggested in
the new issue report description. And therefore it happened to many
people before me, which you admitted. (But that did not stop you from
claiming I'm "the only one doing that".)
Later you fixed that, added the note in the description, and now
you're counting it in those 3 invalid reports.
I said 'thank you' nevertheless.

I had only positive experience with other SmartGWT staff members,
Isomorphic namely.

> Sanjiv

Based on my own experience, SmartGWT is rather risky choice even
though it might look nice at first.
SmartGWT: 2.5*

While GWT might be slower sometimes (when you need some super-special
widgets) I believe in the end you will be better off that way. Even
more it applies now with GWT 2.1.
GWT: 4.5*

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