Hi All,

I want to have my own custom xml file definition for defining UI, like
ui.xml, any idea on how to extend UI Binder for this ?

Also is it possible to generated the java script code at runtime, for
the requested screen instead of doing this at compile time ?

The idea is, for example there is a screen Screen1 and a initial place
holder screen (main screen), maybe a DockPanel or any container, when
the user request for Screen1, the server checks if the Screen1 is
already compiled (converted to javascript), if not, converted it to
javascript using the GWT complier, and return the javascript back to
the client, so that it can render this screen inside the container
(main screen).

This is like traditional web application, but here instead of
returning html, javascript will be returned.

I am doing all this, bcoz we have an ERP system, which has all the
screens defined in xml files, I want to integrated GWT with it, so
that the user can define the gwt ui, using the same xml files.

Any links of extending UI binder or how the GWT compiler works will be helpful ?


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