On Sunday, December 12, 2010 10:19:38 PM UTC+1, Jim Douglas wrote:> but
the real fix is to use KeyUp or KeyDown

As previously discussed, that's not an option with Mac OS X Firefox if
you need to write code that responds correctly to key-repeat events.

And in that case you'd use the "workaround"; but the tutorial isn't
interested in key repeats.

I really do think we need something similar to the KeyHandler and
KeyEvent from the Closure Library, but look at the code (and the
comments in that code): it's a real mess!
GWT KeyDown/KeyPress/KeyDown are rather "low level", but at least in
2.1 they're no longer broken! (prior to 2.1, you couldn't tell whether
the user pressed the down arrow or a left parenthesis, the left arrow
or the percent sign, the up arrow or an ampersand, the right arrow or
an apostrophe, etc.)

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