On 12/13/2010 08:52 AM, Ben Imp wrote:
> Excellent - I am not alone in my troubles.  On second thought, perhaps
> rejoicing in the sharing of pain is not the most healthy viewpoint to
> take ...
> The post to the older discussion was quite useful.  The blog linked
> there has some pretty good information on how this same issue has been
> dealt with in the past, and some other issues that I haven't yet had
> to deal with.  In the end, it seems that it all comes down to crafting
> your application in such a way that it is able to perceive its out-of-
> dated-ness (English is awesome) and inform the user of the potential
> errors, or just force them to do the Right Thing and reload the
> application.  The latter seems like a more sane thing to do, given the
> similarity of instructing users to herding cats.  I suppose false
> positives are something that might be in issue in that case, and an
> epileptic application may result, but that should be easy enough to
> discover in testing.
> I agree that this should be mentioned in the documentation as well.
> It seems like something that is much easier to deal with if you
> consider it from the beginnings of your application, as opposed to
> running into it (or, perhaps, more appropriately, stumbling into it)
> somewhere down the line.  One would assume the Google guys (aka Sir
> Developer Not Appearing In This Thread) have dealt with this, since
> their AdWords UI is (if I recall correctly) based on GWT.  I would
> likewise assume that product has a fair number of active users at all
> times of day, and they are probably as hesitant to drive around the
> world as I am.
> I would be most intrigued to see what they have done internally.  I
> imagine it involves pixie dust and invisible pink unicorns.

And slaughtering a goat on the keyboard.

ISTR that this issue is similar to the authentication/authorization
issue in that there exist many implementation-specific constraints. GWT
gives you enough information to make a run-time decision about

To be fair, this issue surfaces in any long-running client-server
application suite (e.g. COBOL/IMS)

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