
for strict mode I need a replacement for HorizontalPanel.

I would like to have a horizontal bar with different control elements
side by side. It should behave exactly like a table row:

- all cells remain in one row, no matter how much space is available
  (the row is never broken)

- the whole row may be set to 100% width

- if so, some cells may be stretched

I already tried to realize the whole row as a FlowPanel and also the
different cells as FlowPanels. There are problems with this solution
under IE7: When I insert a single PushButton into a cell (FlowPanel),
the cell is stretched to a width of nearly 100%. So when I have 2
cells they do not fit into the available width and are broken.

(Example: http://www.bavaria64.de/bcs/bcs.html?showChat&debugLayout,
the red border shows the whole row, the blue borders show the cells)

I also tried to realize the different cells as LayoutPanels (and still
the whole row as a FlowPanel). There are also problems: When I add a
button to a cell (LayoutPanel), the button is enlarged as large as the
containing cell.

Can you recommend a right combination of panel types, or another

BTW: I thought that strict mode should lead to predictable layouts? So
why does IE7 show a totally different alignment as FF does?


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