Not really what I'm going for.  You get that same functionality with

<ui:with field='common'
type='agt.fathom.ifathom.common.client.CommonBundle' />

I want to be able to do:

---- common.css -----
@def COLOR_THREE #aaeeaa;

---- *.ui.xml -----
.myViewSpecificCss {
 border: 1px solid COLOR_THREE;

I know you can do

<ui:style src="someCss.css">
.myViewSpecificCss {
 border: 1px solid COLOR_THREE;

but the css file with the definitions is in a different project, so I
can't relatively reference it.  There should be a way to get the @def
definitions from a CSS resource made available in a <ui:style> tag.

On Dec 15, 1:48 pm, Myles Bostwick <> wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're talking about or not, but I've
> got a common ResourceBundle that I use in my uibinder that I use like so:
> Included in ui.xml
> <ui:with field='res' type='com.pelco.phobos.interfaces.IResources' />
> Included in view
>         @UiFactory /* this method allows ui.xml to access an instance of a
> resource */
> public IResources getIResources() {
> return IResources.INSTANCE;
> }
> Which allows me to use a common resource bundle across my uibinder uis.

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