
For few days now, my eclipse is slower. When I save a file, dozens messages 
"refreshing reference" appear in the progress view and eclipse freezes few 
minutes before saving. This is really annoying.

What I've found is that there is dozens of "validating Client Bundles" when 
I open my project (which contains about 500 files), so it can be dependant 
of number of client bundles. 

I can't find on internet if the message "Refreshing reference" is an eclipse 
one or a google plugin one. In the last case, what's the cause of displaying 
such a message multiple times ?

I can't work because of this problem, any idea ?

PS: I've got a good computer (4Go RAM, double core, good disk 7200...), I've 
tried to optimize eclipse.ini with no effects, I've tried to reinstall 
eclipse, no effect.


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