In the server side I created a class (MyServiceServlet) that extends
from RemoteServiceServlet and in the method
onBeforeRequestDeserialized(String serializedRequest) i check if the
user is logued. If is not, i throw a AuthenticationException.

And in the client side I created a abstract class that implements
AsyncCallback<T>, and i created a method onReturn(Throwable caught) in
this method i check if the Exception is instance of
AuthenticationException i redirect the user to the login.

Finally, every ServiceImpl extends from MyServiceServlet so i don't
need to check in every method if the user is logued.

I hope this could be useful for you.


On 28 dic, 09:27, sergio von Knorring <> wrote:
> Hi Magnus
> You can implement a java Filter in the server Side and check if the session
> is valid
> if is not valid yo do the redirect in the server side.
> you can use that way if you call a normal resource to the server for example
> a .js or img or .jsp or html
> to use it for a RPC call you must implement a custom response to the client
> , and there manage the redirect
> something like that, in your web.xml
>   <filter>
>     <filter-name>MyFilter</filter-name>
>     <filter-class>com.mycompany.myapp.MyFilter</filter-class>
>   </filter>
>   <filter-mapping>
>     <filter-name>MyFilter</filter-name>
>     <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>   </filter-mapping>
> in the client side you must have a class like
> public abstract class DefaultAsyncCallback<T> implements AsyncCallback<T> {
> private void handleException(Throwable caught) {
>       String msg = caught.getMessage();
>       if(caught instanceof SerializableException) {
>           SerializableException se = (SerializableException)caught;
>           msg = se.getMessage();
>           String[] tokens = msg.split("\\|");
>           if ("some custom code to do the redirect".equals(tokens[0])){
>             GWT.log("Token invalido, redirect a: "+tokens[1], null);
>             redirect(tokens[1]);
>             return;
>           }
>       }
> Regards
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Magnus <>wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I wondered why my application still worked, even when the session
> > timed out on the server. It still worked, because the current user is
> > also stored in my application and I never check this against the
> > server's session data.
> > However, I have a lot of services and each service has a lot of
> > methods. The only solution that comes into my mind is to check the
> > session on every service call, i. e. in every method:
> > class MyServiceImpl...
> > {
> > ...
> > public void oneOfManyMethods ()
> > {
> >  if (sessionTimedOut ())
> >  gotoLoginPage ();
> > }
> > But this would be a bad solution, since I had to do this check in
> > every method. It would be much more elegant if there were a central
> > place for this code.
> > Can I place some code somewhere so that it will be executed on every
> > service call?
> > Thanks
> > Magnus
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