I followed your URL completely!!

I modifed the build.xml to include external jars, i build the
build.xml using RunAs Ant Build from eclipse, i selected the options
build, javac, gwtc, war, libs.

I copied the generated StockWatcher.war file into webapps folder of

The folder was unzipped automtically, but i dont see anything in the
net panle, there are no post massages i only see get messages in net
GET StockWatcher.nocache.js
GET GoogleCode.png

But its working perfectly from eclipse->RunAs->Web Application

what do you guys think. If i can give the StockWatcher.war file can
anyone take a look at it?

On Dec 29, 10:06 am, AmaraSat <amara.forthewo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the Response Nirmal,
> Yes i have seen the net panel for firebug i dont see any post
> messages: So this is what happening!!
> The example for StockWatcher is working.
> In the stockwatcher example i added some external jar files, its still
> working
> Now i have added some native library location to the external jar
> files, its still working
> As soon as i modify some code to include new packages and start an
> external com client(related to the external jar files), its not
> working
> Since i am working on eclipse, i am not modifying the Build.xml file,
> i am manually adding external jars to the lib folder of WEB-INF.
> Now i compile after this and copy the class files and cache files to
> webapps in tomcat.
> Is this the correct procedure?
> Eventhough working with eclipse do i have to modify Build.xml and do
> ant build instead of GWT compile? i am not modifying it because i
> never include it in the tomcat webapps folder!!
> On Dec 29, 1:33 am, Nirmal Patel <nirmaljpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Amarsat,
> > As Thomas already pointed; it seems your GUI code is not making any RPC
> > calls in the first place.
> > To establish that your GUI is actually making those RPC calls.. check for
> > those URLs in Firebug Net panel... I am attaching a screenshot of same from
> > my sample app.
> > Here's a guide of deploying
> > RPC:http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/trunk/DevGuideServerCommunicati.....
> > (if you havent read it already)
> > Regards,
> > Nirmal

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