-Didea.launcher.port=7543 "-Didea.launcher.bin.path=C:\Program Files
(x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.5\bin" -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -
classpath "D:\gwt-2.1.1\gwt-dev-windows.jar;C:\Documents and Settings
dev.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.5\lib
\idea_rt.jar" com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain
com.google.gwt.dev.GWTShell -style DETAILED -out C:\idea
\.IntelliJIdea70\system\gwt\sample.29ab9f2d\run\www -gen C:\idea

Unknown argument: -style
Google Web Toolkit 2.1.1

GWTShell [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist
whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory] [-
logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-bindAddress host-name-or-address] [-
codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-out dir] [url]

  -noserver        Prevents the embedded web server from running
  -port            Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server
(defaults to 8888)
  -whitelist       Allows the user to browse URLs that match the
specified regexes (comma or space separated)
  -blacklist       Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the
specified regexes (comma or space separated)
  -logdir          Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as
  -logLevel        The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO,
  -gen             Debugging: causes normally-transient generated
types to be saved in the specified directory
  -bindAddress     Specifies the bind address for the code server and
web server (defaults to
  -codeServerPort  Specifies the TCP port for the code server
(defaults to 9997)
  -out             The directory to write output files into (defaults
to current)
  url              Automatically launches the specified URL

Process finished with exit code -1

I am running GWT 2.1.1 on JetBrains IDEA 7.0.5 on a 64bit Win machine.
Created a new (inbuilt) GWT Sample Application, but could not able to
run the app.
When I try to run the app, the above message comes up on the IDEA Run

Am I missing configurations or something?  I have my gwt-user/dev jars
added to the libs.

I tried figuring out where this -style was, but no luck.

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