Thank you,

sorry, I believe I did not ask the right question.
didnt provide the context in which these are going to be used.

this list, is going to be a roll-over list,
meaning upon hovering the background changes.
this can be done in css, and I am getting it to work with css inside
(no need for onHover events etc)

however, whith using CSS Float, they are shown next to eachother,
but upon hover, the entire container contaning that line is not

for example,
Home homeIcon
the space after the Icon is not filled.

considering these links are in a container, like a box,
upon hover of elements the entire width should be highlighted,
but with float, the area to the right of Icon is not highlighted.

I believe I have to try trial and error with CSS to get them to work.

in the meantime, one GWT related question:

given the ClientBundle and UiBinder below

public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
  ImageResource myIcon();


<ui:with field='res' type='package.of.Resources'/>

with :          <g:Image resource='{res.homeIcon}' />
I can get the image,
but is it possible to use this image as a css background ?
for example

.icon {

there is an element :

<ui:image field="" src="/path/to/image">

but the path must be explicitly specified.
how can I use ClientBundle, but still use the image in CSS background-
instead of          <g:Image resource='{res.homeIcon}' />

Thank You

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