On Saturday, January 15, 2011 10:44:25 PM UTC+1, zixzigma wrote:
> wow it worked. 
> I had the same problem two days asgo , not calling ensureInjectede, 
> but in that case I was calling MyResources from the JavaCode. 
> here doing it in UiBinder, did not know where to put it. 
> Thank You ! 
> which of the methods you suggested you think is better ?

Depends if they're "global resources" (global to the whole app) or only 
local (shared between a few components) ones.

> @UiField MyResources res 
> - does GWT automagically instantiate this MyResources, calling 
> GWT.create behind the scenes ?

UiBinder generates a GWT.create() call for <ui:with/> (unless there's a 
@UiField(provided=true), of course)

> - if I put @UiField MyResources all over the place, in all the widgets 
> that require access to clientBundle, 
> does MyResources get created over and over, or is it singleton ?

A GWT.create() will be made each time. You'd have to check (in the generated 
code) but I'm almost sure that it doesn't matter.

- with @UiField MyResources res, being created automatically, is there 
> a need to GINject MyResources in a widget constructor ? 
> using @UiField MyResources seems to do the job, right ? when to use 
> GINjection to get hold of MyResources ?

Er, never? (depending on what the generated code really is, and thus whether 
10 GWT.create() have an overhead vs. a single GWT.create() call)

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