
I would like to display the tab header more on the right. Currently they are
"fixed" on the left side with a css attribute "left" that is set to 0.

The code that is generated by GWT is the following :

<div class="gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs" style="left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom:
  inside this, there is the code for tabs.

I thought I could just get the element using code like this :
    Element element = (Element)nodeToUpdate;
and then work on the style or remove it :
  element.getStyle().setLeft(150, Unix.PX)

but unfortunately the style is not changed. I could changed some style that
was not already set (for instance the color) but the one that are already
set, I could not change them.

I don't see other path currently. Does someone have an idea on how to do
that ?

Thank you !


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