I have a hunch as to what's going on.  I'm using OpenAjax unmanagedhub
to do the event notification.  The js file for OpenAjax is included
with a base module (CommonAjax) I built that encapsulates the OpenAjax
js in JSNI.  When a plugin inherits this CommonAjax module, gwt copies
the associated OpenAjax js file to the plugin via the public directory
(this happens automatically when I compile the plugin).  I think
what's happening is the OpenAjax js function is getting defined
multiple times, once for each plugin, and that the js is defined on
the frame for each plugin.  So the issue is the js is not shared
across the same frame/window and it needs to be.

Is there a way to embed js in a module and then have that js get
defined on the parent frame vs. the child frame?  Or is there a better
way to do this?  Any good links that might help me out?


On Jan 23, 12:10 pm, mlb <mlb.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to get a plugin architecture set up using GWT.  I'd like to
> have modules communicate via callbacks like:
>                var thisObj = this;
>                 $wnd[callback] = function(arg1, arg2) {
> thiso...@com.test.TestPlugin1::myCallback(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/
> lang/String;)(arg1, arg2);
>                 };
> The callbacks work fine within components in the same iFrame, but when
> I have two plugins dropped into a portal app, other iframes don't
> receive the events.  Firebug doesn't show any SOP errors - not sure
> what to try here.  I've tried adding this to the gwt.xml file:   <add-
> linker name="xs" />, no luck.  I don't think I'm getting SOP errors
> since Firebug doesn't show any errors - I think maybe my reference
> $wnd[callback] isn't correct.  Any suggestions would be appreciated -
> thanks!

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