
I am trying for a sample using GWT and database layer as Hibernate
with Oracle on Google Aps server.

I have done a sample for Hibernate with JSP as presentation layer,
which is working fine.
But the same approach is not working with GWT.

Here is a verygood link on this topic
and my approach is almost similar.

I have followed the below approach,
The RemoteServiceServlet makes a call to Hibernate layer and tries the
initializes the SessionFactory as below,
      sessionFactory = new

I have added the jars necessary for the Hibernate layer (and
classes12.jar for oracle driver).

However while running , it is giving me an error as below,
Initial SessionFactory creation failed.java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
java.net.Socket is a restricted class. Please see the Google  App
Engine developer's guide for more details.
[ERROR] javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Exception while dispatching
incoming RPC call
com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.UnexpectedException: Service method
'public abstract java.lang.Long
threw an unexpected exception: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
I have one through some of the threads which suggested me to download
the google apps jar files and try it. I have downladed it. but there
is no proper direction on how to make use of which jar file.

Have anybody tried the same. Please let me know if anything I am doing
*** Note that I am using Oracle 9.2 as local database.


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