It feels like I'm working in circles, one module needs something from
another module and that one needs stuff from another module etc etc etc
Here's my updated code using the container method:


> public class RorPresenter {

>     private RorView view;

    public void setView(RorView view){

        this.view = view;


>     @Inject

    public RorPresenter(){



>     public void doMyClickEvent(){



>     public void doYourClickEvent(){



>     public void bind(){}



> public class RorView {

>     interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, RorView> {}

    private static Binder BINDER = GWT.create(Binder.class);

>     private RorPresenter presenter;

>     @Inject

    public RorView(RorPresenter presenter){

        this.presenter = presenter;




>     @UiHandler("myButton")

    void onMyButtonClick(ClickEvent event){



>     @UiHandler("yourButton")

    void onYourButtonClick(ClickEvent event){



> }


> public class RorViewContainer extends Composite {

>     interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, RorViewContainer> {}

    private static Binder BINDER = GWT.create(Binder.class);

>     @UiField(provided=true)

    RorView view;

>     @Inject


    public RorViewContainer(RorView view){

        this.view = view;



>     @UiFactory RorViewContainer makeRorViewContainer(){

        return new RorViewContainer(this.view);



And now I use *<ig:RorViewContainer  /> *in the applicationscaffold's xml

It doesn't like the paramaters in the constructor and the @UiFactory doesn't
fix it
[ERROR] <ig:RorViewContainer> missing required attribute(s): view Element
<ig:RorViewContainer> (:156)

Jeff, can I mail you my maven project sample code, it'll be easier to show
the problem if you have the whole context under eyes, been struggling to
bind the view and the presenter for literally weeks now, just need one
working example.


Jan Vladimir Mostert

MyCee Technologies

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Jeff Larsen <> wrote:

> Sorry, I had forgotten you're using Roo. I don't have much experience with
> Roo/gwt but here is one way to get it done. This might not be the optimal
> way though since I haven't played around with the Roo/gwt framework for more
> than about an hour as I'm not able to use it in my current projects.
> Is the presenter generated for you by Roo or is that your own
> implementation? If it is your own, you could remove the Display from the
> constructor and add a setter for it instead.
> Here is what your uiBinder class could look like.
> The only catch here is everywhere you use this, you'll have to do a
> public class RorViewContainer extends Composite {
> .. uibinder boilerplate...
> UiField(provided=true)
> RorView view;
> @Inject
> public RorViewContainer(RorView view){
>    this.view = view;
>         initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this));
> }
> private RorPresenter presenter;
> @Inject
> RorView(RorPresenter presenter){
>   this.presenter = presenter;
>   presenter.setView(this);
>   presenter.bind();
> }
> @UiHandler("myButton")
> public void myButtonClick(ClickEvent event){
>     presenter.doMyClickEvent();
> }
> @UiHandler("yourButton")
> public void yourButtonClick(ClickEvent event){
>   presenter.doYourClickEvent();
> }
> --
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