Got it. Reading your post several times got me to it. Thanks.

On 2 Feb., 22:26, newnoise <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having kind of the same problem, but dont understand what you
> actually did. Could you maybe post a sample web.xml?
> Thanks in advance!
> Tom
> On 14 Jan., 09:37, rsimon <> wrote:
> > Ouch. Looks like I should have RTFM ;-) Thanks for the hint!
> > This solved most of my problem. I was able to map the servlets to /
> > <endpointName>, rather than being forced to create multiple /
> > <moduleName>/<endpointName> mappings. The applications still made
> > their RPC requests to <moduleName>/<endpointName>, though.
> > However I could fix that by changing the RemoteServiceRelativePath
> > configuration in my client side service interface, like so:
> > RemoteServiceRelativePath("../<endpointName>") instead of
> > ("<endpointName")
> > Not sure if this is 100% clean. But it did the trick.

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