Hi, I have exactly the same problem.. Either I misunderstood
documentation or something is broken, still trying to find the way..

On Feb 2, 6:51 pm, Daniel Francisco <melkor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm working on a project with GWT 2.1 and mvp4g. In a view, I'm using
> a CellList backed with a ListDataProvider. If I pass a List with data
> when instantiating the ListDataProvider, the CellList shows this data.
> The problem is that afterthat, the CellList never gets redrawn
> whenever I change the list of ListDataProvider. I don't know what I am
> doing wrong or if I missing something. I have looked into the
> documentation and but I can't find anything.
> Here is the code:
> The UIBinder xml file:
> <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent";>
> <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
>         xmlns:g="urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui"
>         xmlns:c="urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client"
> xmlns:v="urn:import:net.universia.ferias.feriavirtual.backend.client.exhibi 
> tors.view">
>         <ui:style>
>                 .leftPanel {
>                         padding: 15px 25px 15px 25px;
>                 }
>                 .rightPanel {
>                         padding: 15px 25px 15px 25px;
>                 }
>                 .button {
>                         margin-right: 8px;
>                 }
>                 .exhibitorList {
>                         border: 1px solid black;
>                         background-color: #EEE;
>                         width: 250px;
>                         height: 600px;
>                 }
>                 .moduleList {
>                 }
>         </ui:style>
>         <g:DockLayoutPanel unit="PX">
>                 <g:west size="300">
>                         <g:VerticalPanel styleName='{style.leftPanel}' 
> spacing="8">
>                                 <g:Label>Expositores</g:Label>
>                                         <g:ScrollPanel 
> addStyleNames='{style.exhibitorList}'
> width="250px" height="600px">
>                                                 <c:CellList 
> ui:field="exhibitorList" />
>                                         </g:ScrollPanel>
>                                 <g:Button ui:field="editExhibitorButton"
> addStyleNames='{style.button}'>Editar</g:Button>
>                         </g:VerticalPanel>
>                 </g:west>
>                 <g:center>
>                         <g:VerticalPanel styleName='{style.rightPanel}' 
> spacing="8">
>                                 <g:Label>Expositor X</g:Label>
>                                 <g:FlowPanel>
>                                         <g:Button 
> addStyleNames='{style.button}'>Nuevo módulo</g:Button>
>                                         <g:Button 
> addStyleNames='{style.button}' enabled="false">Editar
> módulo</g:Button>
>                                         <g:Button 
> addStyleNames='{style.button}' enabled="false">Eliminar
> módulo</g:Button>
>                                 </g:FlowPanel>
>                         </g:VerticalPanel>
>                 </g:center>
>         </g:DockLayoutPanel>
> </ui:UiBinder>
> The View class:
> public class ExhibitorsAdminView extends Composite implements
>                 ExhibitorsAdminPresenter.IExhibitorsAdminView {
>         interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, ExhibitorsAdminView> {}
>         private static final Binder binder = GWT.create( Binder.class );
>         private static class ExhibitorCell extends AbstractCell<Exhibitor> {
>                 @Override
>                 public void render(Cell.Context context, Exhibitor exhibitor,
>                                 SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
>                         if (exhibitor != null) {
>                                 sb.appendEscaped(exhibitor.getName());
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
>         private ListDataProvider<Exhibitor> exhibitorsDataProvider;
>         private SingleSelectionModel<Exhibitor> exhibitorsSelectionModel;
>         @UiField( provided = true )
>         CellList<Exhibitor> exhibitorList;
>         @UiField
>         Button editExhibitorButton;
> //      @UiField(provided = true)
> //      CellTable<Object> moduleList = new CellTable<Object>();
>         public ExhibitorsAdminView() {
>                 exhibitorsSelectionModel = new
> SingleSelectionModel<Exhibitor>(Exhibitor.KEY_PROVIDER);
>                 exhibitorList = new CellList<Exhibitor>(new ExhibitorCell(),
> Exhibitor.KEY_PROVIDER);
>                 exhibitorList.setSelectionModel(exhibitorsSelectionModel);
>                 exhibitorsDataProvider = new
> ListDataProvider<Exhibitor>(getExhibitors());
>                 exhibitorsDataProvider.addDataDisplay(exhibitorList);
> exhibitorList.setPageSize(exhibitorsDataProvider.getList().size());
>                 initWidget( binder.createAndBindUi( this ) );
>         }
>         public SingleSelectionModel<Exhibitor> getExhibitorsSelectionModel()
> {
>                 return exhibitorsSelectionModel;
>         }
>         public ListDataProvider<Exhibitor> getExhibitorsDataProvider() {
>                 return exhibitorsDataProvider;
>         }
>         private List<Exhibitor> getExhibitors() {
>                 List<Exhibitor> exhibitors = new ArrayList<Exhibitor>();
>                 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
>                         exhibitors.add(new Exhibitor(i, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"));
>                 }
>                 return exhibitors;
>         }
>         public HasClickHandlers getEditExhibitorButton() {
>                 return editExhibitorButton;
>         }
> }
> The presenter class:
> @Presenter(view = ExhibitorsAdminView.class)
> public class ExhibitorsAdminPresenter extends
>                 BasePresenter<ExhibitorsAdminPresenter.IExhibitorsAdminView,
> ExhibitorsEventBus> {
>         public interface IExhibitorsAdminView {
>                 SingleSelectionModel<Exhibitor> getExhibitorsSelectionModel();
>                 ListDataProvider<Exhibitor> getExhibitorsDataProvider();
>                 HasClickHandlers getEditExhibitorButton();
>         }
>         private DispatchAsync dispatch = null;
>         @Inject
>         public ExhibitorsAdminPresenter(final DispatchAsync dispatch) {
>                 this.dispatch = dispatch;
>         }
>         @Override
>         public void bind() {
> getView().getExhibitorsSelectionModel().addSelectionChangeHandler(
>                                 new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
>                                         public void 
> onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
>                                                 Exhibitor selected =
> getView().getExhibitorsSelectionModel().getSelectedObject();
>                                                 if (selected != null) {
>                                                         Window.alert("You 
> selected: " + selected.getName());
>                                                 }
>                                         }
>                                 });
>                 getView().getEditExhibitorButton().addClickHandler(
>                                 new ClickHandler() {
>                                         public void onClick(ClickEvent event) 
> {
>                                         }
>                                 });
>         }
>         public void onGoToExhibitorsAdmin() {
>         }
>         public void onLoadExhibitors() {
>                 dispatch.execute(new GetExhibitors(), new
> AsyncCallback<GetExhibitorsResult>() {
>                         public void onSuccess(GetExhibitorsResult result) {
>                                 getView().getExhibitorsDataProvider().setList(
>                                                 result.getExhibitors());
> getView().getExhibitorsDataProvider().refresh();
>                         }
>                         public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
>                                 GWT.log("error executing command ", caught);
>                         }
>                 });
>         }
> }
> Along with this, another thing that is happening is that
> Window.alert("") (inside the onSelectionChange() method) is not
> working. Which could be the reason?
> Thanks.

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