Hi David,

 thank you for your answer! I will try it and I will give you my
feedback :-)

 In my case the width is not a problem; my concern is about the height
(the number of displayed rows)...

 best regards,


On Feb 18, 1:11 pm, David Goodenough <david.goodeno...@btconnect.com>
> On Friday 18 February 2011, Carlo Alberto Degli Atti wrote:> Hi,
> >  I've looked around but I haven't found any solution, so I post it
> > here:
> >  how can I make a TextArea that expands its height depending on the
> > text inside?
> >  Thanks
> >  CA
> Its good to find someone else who wants this.  I first came across
> fields like this with Lotus Notes, which has had these for years.  They
> are really useful, but very few other systems seem to have them and
> to be honest it is one of the things that puts me off browsers - but that
> is another story.
> I wrote some code which did this while ago, but I do not know if
> it still works on a current GWT, and I am absolutely sure it can be
> done better.
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.TextArea;
> public class ExpandingTextArea extends TextArea {
>         public void onBrowserEvent( Event event) {
>                 super.onBrowserEvent( event);
>                 if (getOffsetHeight( ) <= getScrollHeight( getElement( )))    
>                         setHeight( ( getScrollHeight( getElement( )) + 
> 6)+"px");
>                 }
>         private native int getScrollHeight( Element e) /*-{
>                 return e.scrollHeight;
>                 }-*/;
>         public void rightSize( ) {
>                 Element el = getElement( );
>                 int h = getScrollHeight( el);
>                 setHeight( ( h + 6) + "px");
>                 }
>         };
> The fact that it has a magic number in it (6) is just plain wrong, and
> I can not for the life of me remember why that number is there.
> rightSize needs to be called when laying out a form, just to get started.
> Again this can be done better.  It is also possible that somewhere
> along the line the need for getScrollHeight has gone, but I have not
> been following the API closely enough to see.
> To get the full Notes function, one would also need to set the width of
> the area.  This only sets the height.  But that is for another day.
> Hope someone can turn this into something that works properly.
> David

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