Thanks, Alan, I'll do that.

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Alan Chaney <> wrote:

>  Hi Nate/(Robert?)
> Very interesting project.
> On 2/20/2011 4:39 PM, Robert Lockwood wrote:
> This project is to provide a web page GUI to control sensors that connect
> to other (PC104) computers.  The whole system, everything, will be on a
> "LAN" on our research aircraft and will not connect to the web.  I know that
> this is a bit unusual. This provides a "universal" GUI that is not required
> to be displayed only on our clunky FAA certified flat screen display (the
> display is OK but the "mouse" and keyboard are difficult to use).
> Hmm - just to clarify - you want to be able to display on devices other
> than the FAA screen. Do you have complete control over what device upon
> which your GUI is being displayed? My reason for asking is that there's a
> lot of overhead involved in learning about/developing/installing a web
> server and web client applications and your use case is so far from how such
> applications are normally used that it might be worth considering
> alternatives. For example, you could write an RIAA application in Java/Swing
> which would reverse the normal server/client approach. Your main application
> could be the "client" and you could generate requests from the RIAA app. You
> could use standard java networking (which is much simpler than messing about
> with browser serialization) and implement a text book threaded pooling loop
> in less than 100 lines of code.
> You could actually use other display toolkits - for example, GTK or
> WxWidgets if you'd prefer to write in C++. Or you could stick with Java and
> use an applet - still a perfectly viable technology and one that works well
> when you are not trying to interface to every possible version and brand of
> web browser.
> These solutions may be a better fit for your application than GWT. As this
> is the GWT list, if you wish to pursue this line of discussion its probably
> best to contact me off list.
> Regards
> Alan
>  The main program with will be running at the same time as whatever server
> we install on the same machine and will take care of servicing the other two
> or three PC104s each of which will control one or two sensors, mostly
> imaging radiometers.
>  The web page will have buttons for the user, some kind of status log, a
> canvas, and probably popups to enable entry of text or numbers.  I expect it
> to be rather simple as it is only an interface to the controller application
> providing commands to the controller and receiving status messages. Commands
> allow the user to turn cameras on and off etc. and to monitor operation.
> After initialization of everything there won't be much activity.
>  I expect that the headless PC104s that control the sensors will boot and
> initialize without user input and then wait to connect to the master
> controller.
>  Thanks for your reply.
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Alan Chaney <>wrote:
>> Nate,
>> See comments below:
>> On 2/20/2011 11:02 AM, Nate wrote:
>>> I just started with GWT and Eclipse and am new to Java as well - but
>>> learning.
>>> I'm trying to code some proof of concept apps for our larger project.
>>> My model is that the GWT will start about at the same time that my
>>> main application starts.
>>  A GWT application is a way of creating a Javascript web page intended for
>> AJAX operation - it "starts" when you enter a URL in a browser and the page
>> is fetched from the server (or reloaded from a local cached version).
>> Specifically speaking, your code execution is triggered by the browser
>> onload event for the body tag.
>>  The user will establish a connection at some
>>> point.  Only one user will connect at any time.
>>  To what? You mean only one client will connect to your server app. at one
>> time? Thats a very unusual setup for a web server. Also, see above - the
>> 'user' will establish a connection by opening the URL.
>>  The main application will enqueue status messages for delivery to the
>>> server side when requested where they will be enqueued until requested
>>> by the client.
>>  Its not clear to me what you mean by "main application" - is this your
>> business layer? Normally, you run web apps inside a servlet container, which
>> responds to HTTP requests from the client (which may or may not be XHR) and
>> then transfers a result page/data, which may be HTML, XML, JSON or binary
>> depending upon the request type. Typically these apps have two or three
>> layers - search google for "web application architecture"
>>   I had thought to use a timer to send the requests but
>>> now see that it is possible to for the server to push the data
>>> (Strings).
>>  If you mean real server push to the client, that requires something like
>> WebSockets (not widely supported, yet) or Comet (not supported on all
>> servers). These generally require 'long running' TCP requests (similar to
>> XMPP).
>> See:
>> Also, you might like to look at the XMPP libraries (gwt-strophe and emite)
>> - I realize that you may not be intending to build a chat app but XMPP also
>> uses the 'long-running' model and you may get some tips and hints from
>> looking at that stuff.
>>  I think I understand how to use the timer method and have coded a test
>>> case.
>>  Ok - typically the client app can poll the server - one important issue
>> is the frequency of the poll requests which should be long enough to allow
>> the client to retrieve the data and display it to the user. There are four
>> steps:
>> 1. transit of request from client to server
>> 2. server-side processing of request and creation of response
>> 3. transit of response to client
>> 4. display of data to client.
>> 1 and 3 depend upon your uplink and downlink bandwidths
>> 2 depends upon the server performance and processing required
>> 4 depends upon the way in which you display the results
>>  I think that I would prefer to have the server push the data (after
>>> some initialization it shouldn't be frequent) but don't understand the
>>> trade offs except that it appears that using a timer is easy but the
>>> push code is much more complex.
>>  Yep.  I suggest that you get a polling version to work first and then
>> consider whether a 'push' version is more appropriate for your use case.
>>  Question: Does the push model add much overhead in terms of CPU
>>> utilization or critical resources?  If not I'll start to examine
>>> demonstration code that I found. I would appreciate any advice.
>>>  See the attached links. It looks to me like most of the possible GWT
>> libraries are still at a comparatively early stage - I suggest that until
>> you are really familiar with all the technologies its a good idea to start
>> with the simplest approach (polling), get that to work, and then consider
>> some kind of 'push' technology.
>> HTH
>> Alan
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When I was 12 I thought I would live forever.
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