On Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:24:48 AM UTC+1, Sézard_damian wrote:
> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
> com.google.gwt.visualization.*client*.DataTable.create()Lcom/google/gwt/ 
> visualization/client/DataTable; 
>    at com.google.gwt.visualization.*client*.DataTable.create(Native 
> Method) 
>    at 
> com.metrixware.sc.sqalegwt.*server*.DataSourceServiceImpl.createTable(DataSourceServiceImpl.java:
> 351)

> je ne sais pas comment remédier a ce problème :s 
> please can you help me!!!

Faut pas utiliser du code "client" côté "server".

In english for other people reading this: you shouldn't use "client" classes 
on the "server" side.

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