
I am working in an environment that is not connected to the Internet
so I installed the GWT Developer Plugin for Firefox by downloading it,
copying it to my developer workstation and using Firefox plugin
manager to install it.  The plugin version that is successfully
installed is 1.09.9639 -- downloaded from the Internet today.

I just set up a new GWT 2 project using webAppCreator.  In the project
directory, I type the command 'ant devmode'.  The GWT Development Mode
window comes up and when I click on the "Launch Default Browser"
button, the missing plugin message comes up indicating that
'Additional plugins are required...' and the browser tries to connect
to the Internet to get the plugin.

In build.xml, I added -logLevel TRACE to the gwt args and can see that
the code and web servers are started on the default ports (confirmed
by netstat -a) and there are no error messages.

If I copy the url and paste it into the Firefox browser, I get the
same error.  If I take off the gwt.codesvr part of the url, the Web
App Starter Project page comes up fine, asking for a name and
successfully completes the RPC, reporting that it is running
jetty-6.1.x and I am using Mozilla/5.0 ... Linux i686 ... Red Hat/
3.6-1.el4 Firefox/3.6.9.  I get the same results if I build a war and
drop it in my tomcat webapps directory.

How do I get GWT devmode to stop asking for the plugin that is already

Thank you in advance for any help anyone can provide!


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