Hello Everyone,
I would like to ask your opinion on the correct way of organizing large gwt 

Below you can see the approach I'm thinking of, I am not sure though,
and greatly appreciate your invaluable input, or experience in similar 

GWT documentation recommends a project structure consisting of 3 parts: 
Client, Shared, Server

in addition, any application can be broken into several *Functional 
Areas*(realizing business concepts)
for example, an app can have Accounts, Reports, Tasks sections (aka. 
functional areas, modules)

to organize our project, we can therefore break the app into: Accounts 
Module, Reports Module, Tasks Module.

moreover, we would typically have a *Core module*, (one Core module for 
client +  one for Server)
this Core module might contain our custom framework in which other *business 
related* modules can be put together(assembled) and work together to 
accomplish their goal.

and we would also have a *Commons module*, which contains utility or common 
classes that other modules can use.


- Functional Area 1 Module (eg, Accounts)
- Functional Area 2 Module (eg. Reports)
-Functional Area N Module

- Core Module - Client
- Core Module - Server
- Commons Module

Reports Module for example takes care of everything related to Reports.
and according to GWT recommendation, we break Reports Module into
Reports Client, Reports Shared, Reports Server sub-modules.

*ReportsClient* would have its own pom.xml , Gin Module, and GWT Module 
*Reports Server* would have its own pom.xml and Guice Module
*Reports shared* would have its own pom.xml and would consist of interfaces 
or some static data files

and similar for Accounts, and Tasks module.

our Core and Commons module would have their own pom.xml

we then would have an overall pom.xml which puts together all the other 
and builts the entire app.

can be summarize like this

*Each Functional Area would have*
1- client: pom.xml +  GIN module + GWT Module (xx.gwt.xml)
2- shared: pom.xml (would be interfaces for client and server to 
3- server: pom.xml + Guice module (contaning DAO, Service, Servlet, etc)

and an overall pom.xml which puts together functional areas + core + commons 
modules (and corresponding pom.xml)

- what do you think of this way of organizing projects ?

- is there a direct one-to-one correspondence between pom.xml and gin/guice 
modules ?
  in other words, is it a good idea to have a pom.xml for each of our gin 
modules, and
  having a pom.xml for each of our guice modules ?

Really appreciate your thoughts on this.

Thank You

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