If you're using Model-View-Presenter with GWT (or you're thinking
about it), there are a number of different patterns you can use to co-
ordinate between your view and the corresponding presenter. Ray Ryan's
"Best Practices for Architecting your GWT App" at I/O 2009 showed off
one pattern, Daniel Danilatos refined that for his "GWT Testing Best
Practices" presentation during I/O 2010, and a third pattern was used
in the "Large-Scale Application Development and MVP" article in the
GWT wiki.  Using these and my own experiences with these patterns,
I've taken a small example, demonstrated how to apply each of these
patterns to that example, and written up some of the advantages and


These patterns are by and large available already in the sources
above, but by bringing them together and talking about some of the
pros and cos, I hope to save some people some of the sorts of
experimentation that many of us will have already gone through to
decide which one of these patterns works best for us.

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