Does someone have a hint I am going no where with that thing ...

Here is the LoginPanel.ui.xml:

<ui:style type="my.client.LoginPanel.LoginStyle">
@sprite .logo {
gwt-image: "googleIcon";
vertical-align: middle;

<g:Anchor ui:field="googleAnchor" styleName="{style.logo}">Google</g:Anchor>

And the code in the associated

public interface LoginStyle extends CssResource {
String logo();
@UiField LoginStyle style;
public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
ImageResource googleIcon();
Resources res; 

But I got :
Unable to find ImageResource method value("googleIcon") in 
my.client.LoginPanel_BinderImpl_GenBundle : Could not find no-arg method 
named googleIcon in type my.client.LoginPanel_BinderImpl_GenBundle

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