I am getting "GWT module 'stockwatcher' may need to be (re)compiled"
after I am deploying a GWT application StockWatcher on Tomcat after
doing the following steps:

1) Perform a clean on the project making sure the “Start a build
automatically ” checkbox is NOT checked.

2) Right click on the project and select Google, followed by GWT

3) Select the "src" folder in my project and right click and select
Export. Select “JAR file” from the next window
  Make sure, only the “src”-folder in my project is checked in the
next window. Select the export destination like
  this: <folder of my project>/war/WEB-INF/lib/<projectname>.jar –
then click “Finish”.

  I do get a message that the jar file has been created with compiler

4) I execute an Ant script warbuilder .xml to create .war file which I
deploy to the Tomcat "webapps" folder.
   Ant script
  <project name="<projectname>" basedir="." default="default">
        <target name="default" depends="buildwar,deploy"></target>
        <target name="buildwar">
                <war basedir="war" destfile="<projectname>.war" 
                        <exclude name="WEB-INF/**" />
                        <webinf dir="war/WEB-INF/">
                                <include name="**/*.jar" />

        <target name="deploy">
                <copy file="<projectname>.war" todir="." />

5) When I go to the website http://localhost:8080/StockWatcher, I can
see only part of the website and I get the above message before even
that is shown.

Why am I getting the error even though I am compiling everything

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