Hi Mike,

My first thought is that maybe using events isn't really what you
want. Without knowing specifics, is this something that would fit
better as a singleton?


(or if you use GIN bind(Foo.class).in(Singleton.class); and then you
can @Inject Foo)

However, if the event model is what you want to use, you can pass
around a common EventBus with which you can fire() events.

in module load or wherever appropriate:

myEventBus.addHandler(FooEvent.TYPE, new FooHandler());

and in your sources

myEventBus.fire(new FooEvent());

Hope that helps,


On Mar 5, 3:38 pm, manstis <michael.ans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Perhaps I horribly misunderstand GWT'seventmechanism, but I am
> struggling with wiring up the following scenario with the 
> usualHandler,Eventtypes...
> * I have oneHandlerof a specificeventtype
> * I have multiple sources of the sameeventtype
> I didn't want to add HasXXXHandler to every source just so I can 
> callEvent.fire(this) to trigger theevent.
> The mechanisms in place seam to prefer one source to many handlers...
> Pointers, thoughts, criticism etc welcome :)
> Thanks,
> Mike

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