Thanks for you answer,

In fact, solutions that don't write in the page (such as alert or
console) do work but it doesn't explain why the problems happens when
I use document.write

On 10 mar, 10:52, Andi <> wrote:
> maybe you should try "console.log" or "window.alert" instead of 
> document.write..
> andi
> (vom fon)
> On 09.03.2011, at 18:02, Pierre <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am experiencing problems when using GWT / JSNI :
> > For tests, let's have a parent class with a JSNI method such as
> > public class TestParent {
> >    public native void show()/*-{
> >        $doc.write("PARENT JSNI");
> >    }-*/;
> > }
> > and a child class overriding the parent JSNI method, such as
> > public class TestChild extends TestParent {
> >    @Override
> >    public void show() {
> >;
> >        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML(""));
> >    }
> > }
> > and a basic EntryPoint :
> > public class Helloworld implements EntryPoint {
> >    public void onModuleLoad() {
> >        TestChild t = new TestChild();
> >;
> >    }
> > }
> > When calling the TestChild .show() method, we could assume getting the
> > result :
> > "PARENT JSNI" + ""
> > And in fact, we get the following result :
> > On Google Chrome 11 in development mode with GWT plugin :
> > "PARENT JSNI" and an error in the GWT plugin Development mode tab :
> > [DEBUG] [helloworld] - Rebinding
> >
> >    [DEBUG] [helloworld] - Checking rule <replace-with
> > class=''/>
> >        [ERROR] [helloworld] - Error while executing the JavaScript provider
> > for property 'user.agent'
> >        [ERROR] [helloworld] - Unable to get value of property 'user.agent'
> > [ERROR] [helloworld] - Deferred binding failed for
> > ''; expect subsequent
> > failures
> > [ERROR] [helloworld] - Unable to load module entry point class
> > fr.helloworld.client.Helloworld (see associated exception for details)
> > [ERROR] [helloworld] - Failed to load module 'helloworld' from user
> > agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like
> > Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.0 Safari/534.24' at localhost:2222
> > This error stops any further instruction in the application.
> > On Firefox 3.6 in development mode with GWT plugin:
> > "PARENT JSNI" + ""  (fine) but the browser is redirected
> > tohttp:// keeps
> > loading forever
> > When building the GWT project, the result are also different :
> > Chrome :
> > correct , works fine
> > Firefox 3.6 :
> > correct text displayed but the browser is redirected to helloworld/
> > F0E90C8F76FAE58BAB597BFF7095D19A.cache.html (compiled version for
> > firefox user agent) and keeps loading forever. I encountered the
> > problem on a real application, and of course the compiled application
> > was unable to run correctly.
> > Should I conclude that developer should never try to override JSNI
> > methods ?
> > Should we guess that it is a GWT compiler bug ?
> > --
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