On Friday, March 11, 2011 1:19:32 AM UTC-3, zixzigma wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have broken my Client side part of my GWT app, into several gwt modules,
>  - a common module configuring EventBus,PlaceController,ActivityMapper, + 
> EntryPoint)
>  - several modules each corresponding to a Functional Area (Reports, Tasks, 
> etc),
>    these don't have any EntryPoint, and contain Activity,Places, UI 
> specific to their own functional area.
> My intention was to work on each module separately, compile and test in 
> isolation,
> and then for final deployment, pull them all together for a final compile.
> now when I compile individual modules, I get   [ERROR] Module has no entry 
> points defined.
> I understand this is because only one of my modules has the EntryPoint.
That's easy. 

Right Click over your project -> Google -> Web Toolkit Settings -> Select 
the modules that doesn't have an Entry Point and remove them from this list. 

Click in OK, and that's it. Recompile!

> do you know how I can get around this problem ?
> - do you think the only solution is to define a dummy EntryPoint, to make 
> compile happy ?

It is not necesary.

> - if you favor monolithic compile, what is the point of having multiple 
> module.gwt.xml ? if all of them are going to be built together ?
> - if GWT module A INHERITS from GWT Module B,
>   do I have to copy the GWT Sources for Module B into a location 
>   so that they be included for Compiling Module A ?

You just need to include in your Module A Descriptor the inherits tag;

<inherits name='com.zixzigma.project.moduleb.Moduleb'/>

> - does it make sense breaking Client part of GWT project, into several 
> projects ?
>   multiple GWT Modules which have separate builds (ant/maven, etc? )
> I have been struggling with figuring out the correct way to configure GWT 
> projects.
> I Really appreciate your thoughts on the questions.
> Thank You

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