
doesn't anybody encounter the same problem ?
I don't know if I misuse the framework or if there's a bug in the
CellTree composite.

Thank you for all help you can give me.

On 11 mar, 11:41, rujan <rudy.jan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found another problem which finally seems to have the same cause :
> in another tree, I have a AsyncDataProvider which updates the tree
> when I select a value in a selectBox.
> But when I select (in the selectBox) an item for which the tree to
> display is empty, I have the same problem as explained before.
> It seems that it is possible to have an empty tree when creating it,
> but if you update it so that it becomes empty, it generates some weird
> behaviour.
> If someone has an idea of why this his happening, it will be very
> helpful.
> On 10 mar, 15:37, rujan <rudy.jan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am using the CellTree to add and remove nodes (on the same level,
> > only a list of nodes).
> > But I've encountered an exception when attempting to remove the last
> > node of the CellTree :
> > Uncaught JavaScript exception [uncaught exception:
> > java.lang.AssertionError: Child index out of bounds] in , line 0
> > Here is my code ;
> > public class Test extends Composite {
> >     private static TestUiBinder uiBinder =
> > GWT.create(TestUiBinder.class);
> >     interface TestUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, Test> {
> >     }
> >     @UiField(provided = true)
> >     CellTree rightTree;
> >     @UiField
> >     PushButton removeEntity;
> >     private SingleSelectionModel<EntiteDTO> rightTreeSelectionModel;
> >     private TreeViewModel rightTreeModel;
> >     private ListDataProvider<EntiteDTO> rightTreeProvider;
> >     public Test() {
> >         init();
> >     }
> >     public void init() {
> >         createRightTree();
> >         initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this));
> >     }
> >     @UiHandler("removeEntity")
> >     public void onRemoveEntityClick(ClickEvent event) {
> >         EntiteDTO entSelected =
> > rightTreeSelectionModel.getSelectedObject();
> >         Iterator<EntiteDTO> ite =
> > rightTreeProvider.getList().iterator();
> >         while (ite.hasNext()) {
> >             EntiteDTO ent = ite.next();
> >             if (ent.getId().equals(entSelected.getId())) {
> >                 ite.remove();
> >             }
> >         }
> >         rightTreeProvider.refresh();
> >     }
> >     private void createRightTree() {
> >         CellTree.Resources res =
> > GWT.create(CellTree.BasicResources.class);
> >         rightTreeSelectionModel = new
> > SingleSelectionModel<EntiteDTO>();
> >         rightTreeProvider = new ListDataProvider<EntiteDTO>();
> >         rightTreeModel = new TreeViewModel() {
> >             @Override
> >             public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
> >                 if (value == null) {
> >                     return false;
> >                 }
> >                 return true;
> >             }
> >             @Override
> >             public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(T value) {
> >                 return new
> > DefaultNodeInfo<EntiteDTO>(rightTreeProvider, new FolderEntityCell(),
> >                         rightTreeSelectionModel, null);
> >             }
> >         };
> >         rightTree = new CellTree(rightTreeModel, null, res);
> >         rightTree.setAnimationEnabled(true);
> >     }
> > }
> > The FolderEntityCell is a cell with icon, and EntiteDTO just some
> > POJO.
> > So I added some nodes to the rightTree with
> > rightTreeProvider.getList().add(...) on the first level.
> > I can remove these nodes by clicking on the removeEntity PushButton,
> > but when I want to remove the last one, it is removed on the browser,
> > but a java.lang.AssertionError occur :
> > Uncaught JavaScript exception [uncaught exception:
> > java.lang.AssertionError: Child index out of bounds] in , line 0
> > So I'm wondering if I do something wrong in my removal process.
> > I hope you can help me on this point, and thank you in advance.
> > Cheers.

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