It seems my original reply didn't get recorded properly, so I will try 
again with less detail...
I noticed that if you call setRangeLimited(false), you get the behavior that 
you expect, but the forward buttons do not get grayed out.

If you look at setPageStart(int) is uses isRangeLimited and display's 
isRowCountExact() values to determine whether or not pageSize records should 
be shown.  If both are true you will get your page of pageSize.  It seems to 
me that if isRangeLimited, meaning "whether or not the page range should be 
limited to the actual data", is true you would want to only see the 5 
remaining records instead of a full page of pageSize records.
So what I did was copy AbstractPager into my project and change 
isRangeLimited to !isRangeLimited in setPageStart(int).  See code below:
  protected void setPageStart(int index) {
    if (display != null) {
      Range range = display.getVisibleRange();
      int pageSize = range.getLength();
      if (!isRangeLimited && display.isRowCountExact()) {
        index = Math.min(index, display.getRowCount() - pageSize);
      index = Math.max(0, index);
      if (index != range.getStart()) {
        display.setVisibleRange(index, pageSize);

You could also extend SimplePager and accomplish the same thing...

Can someone from the GWT team comment on this?

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